Bad for business Quotes

As if New York's economy wasn't already stressed enough, there's a renewed push in the City Council for a local ‘living wage’ law that could hinder the city's economic renewal while reducing job opportunities for the very people it is supposed to help.

McMahon, E.J. New York Post.
03/20/2002 | Full Details | Law(s): Living Wage

These [ergonomics] regulations would cost employers, large and small, billions of dollars annually while providing uncertain benefits.

White House budget office, under the Bush administration. Wall Street Journal.

The complexity of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act and the added state provisions can be costly to employers of any size. The administrative burden and potential for overlap with other benefits can have a serious impact on workforce productivity.

CORE Inc., “the largest independent provider of absence reporting and clinical management services” in the U.S..
331201/01/2000 | Full Details | Law(s): Family Medical Leave Act

Proponents of the bill never provided any evidence that increasing penalties or allowing more lawsuits would actually reduce injuries or illnesses in the workplace. What is certain is that employers in California will now face far greater penalties for alleged safety and health violations than employers any-where else in the nation. Undoubtedly, this will lead to much greater litigation of Cal/OSHA citations.

Jeffrey M. Tanenbaum, of Littler Mendelson, P.C.

Its appropriate name should be the 'Be an Employer, Pay a Massive Penalty' Act.

Jeffrey M. Tanenbaum, of Littler Mendelson, P.C.

Raising taxes on industry runs directly counter to congressional efforts to reduce taxes.

Top officials at the National Association of Manufacturers and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

It is doubtful that doubling criminal provisions and the imposition of exorbitant fines will proportionally improve worker safety. Provisions to impose larger potential fines on corporations are also unfair and unjustified.

Western States Petroleum Association

Under this measure, accidents will have devastating effects on employers. Encouraging lawsuits is good for attorneys, bad for business, and ultimately, bad for employees.

Construction Employers Association memo to Assembly Public Safety Committee.

Additionally, in a construction setting, where the type of work is inherently more dangerous than an office setting, it will be difficult to hire managers and supervisors for fear that they would be held criminally liable for accidents.

Construction Employers Association memo to Assembly Public Safety Committe.

This bill would have a negative impact on California’s economy by creating an overly rigid regulatory structure that would discourage new businesses from locating here and existing businesses from expanding, therefore, slowing the economy.

Roofing Contractors Association of California letter to Assemblyman Darrell Steinberg.
