National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)

National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)

Cry Wolf Quotes

[John] Motley [of the NFIB] warned that business owners should not be fooled by small-business exemption [in the FMLA]. ‘That’s only temporary,’ he assured them, adding that he sponsors ‘stated aim’ was ‘paid leave for all employees.’

NFIB mass mailer sent to tens of thousands of that organization’s members. 1988.
01/01/1988 | Full Details | Law(s): Family Medical Leave Act

Small firms who have hired persons with disabilities have found in most cases that the extra effort makes good economic sense. I have no doubt that, faced with the demands of the marketplace, many other small firms will soon learn the same lesson.

Sally Douglas, Assistant Director of Governmental Relations for Research Policy for the National Federation of Independent Business. The Congressional Digest. December, 1989.

As a small-business owner, you are most likely too busy to be able to take the time to carefully review the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2007, a complicated, vague bill that will have harmful effects on small business. As you'll soon learn, the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2007 is anything but fair to small business. Tell your senator to vote ‘NO’ on this erroneous piece of legislation.

From an NFIB letter to their members.

What is being created is a regulatory maze through which small business owners are expected to navigate, with no false steps or detours allowed.

Sally Douglas, Assistant Director of Governmental Relations for Research Policy for the National Federation of Independent Business. The Congressional Digest. December, 1989.