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Front groups

Cry Wolf Quotes

Forcing business, industry, and food producers to reduce carbon emissions through government mandates and cap-and-trade policies under consideration for the regional climate initiative will increase the cost of doing business, push companies to do business with other states or nations, and increase consumer costs for electricity, fuel, and food;

From the legislative template provided by the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council.

That's just an excuse to create a money-making cap-and-trade scheme that'll drive up electric rates.

Narrator from one of Americans for Prosperity’s anti-RGGI ads.

[RGGI money] was taken by regulators from consumers in the form of higher electricity bills and then redistributed to environmental special interests friendly to the politicians in power.

Americans for Prosperity New Hampshire state director, Corey R. Lewandowski.

We are striving to expose the fact that the cap-and-trade scheme is happening right now, that it is a threat to our economic future.

Steve Lonegan, director of the New Jersey chapter of Americans for Prosperity