Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

Cry Wolf Quotes

High energy costs, like taxes, just make New Jersey a tougher state in which to do business. This is not a partisan issue, it’s just a bad deal for New Jersey.

Philip Kirschner, president of the New Jersey Business & Industry Association, represents 22,000 employers in the state.

If we take this route, we would eventually have the tools to cut carbon emissions, instead of misguided near-term initiatives like RGGI where an attempt to meet even the modest targets will only disrupt energy markets at great cost to consumers and the economy as whole. Programs to curb other GHGs can proceed such as measures to reduce methane releases from coal mines, but it is absurd to impose any meaningful limits on carbon emissions when so much of our energy comes from coal.

From “Carbon Cap Follies” an editorial by William T. Smith, “Consultant in the field of natural resources”.

But the governors of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Vermont are still in the compact, ready to impose a heavy economic burden on their citizens.

From “Ungreening Mitt Romney”, by Robert Novak.

RGGI makes us less competitive.

New Jersey State Senator Steven Oroho (R., Sussex).