Industry groups

Industry groups


Hotel housekeepers are repeatedly injured on the job.

Cutting Back on Housekeepers' Heavy Lifting

August 02, 2011

Cry Wolf Quotes

Why should we be singled out more than any other product? It's totally unfair. This industry more than pays its share of taxes and understands its obligation to do that, but these special taxes are another matter.

Jim Finkelstein, spokesman for the National Soft Drink Association. The Atlanta Journal and Constitution.
11/05/1994 | Full Details | Law(s): Ohio Soda Tax

Pricing is still a concern with consumers. We continue to see sticker shock. And the potential exists that with some cars in short supply, Detroit will take advantage of the situation with some big price increases this fall. What Detroit will do is drive some people into small or used cars instead. In the last three to four years, price increases outpaced income gains and pushed people into used cars. Pricing is the reason the recovery won’t be robust.

Wes Stuchlak, analyst with Chase Econometrics, Chicago Tribune.

[These changes in the fire code would lead to] the wiping out of industry in this state.

A spokesman for the Associated Industries of New York. Only date available: 1913.
01/01/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

Past experience would indicate that in a sizable number of operations it will be impossible to reduce the levels to two fibers, no matter how much money is spent. In these cases, the operations obviously would have to be shut down and the men thrown out of work. We have a very rough idea at this time how large a segment of the manufacturing industry would be affected ion this manner, but an estimate of perhaps 15% to 20% seems reasonable.

Matthew M. Swetonic, Executive Secretary of the Asbestos Information Association
03/15/1972 | Full Details | Law(s): OSHA's Asbestos Standard


Backgrounders & Briefs

The Short-Handled Hoe Hearings: 1973- 1975

In 1972, California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA) petitioned the Industrial Safety Board of California’s Division of Industrial Safety to prohibit the use of the 12-inch short-handled hoe. The hearing transcipts are online here.