Think tanks

Think tanks

Cry Wolf Quotes

The important question, however, is not the default rates on the mortgages made under the CRA. Whatever those rates might be, they were not sufficient to cause a worldwide financial crisis. Once these standards were relaxed--particularly allowing loan-to-value ratios higher than the 80 percent that had previously been the norm--they spread rapidly to the prime market and to subprime markets where loans were made by lenders other than insured banks.

Peter Wallison, AEI Online

The bottom line remains that employers will have little motivation to hire low-skilled workers—those whose inexperience and lack of productivity does not warrant a wage meeting or exceeding the proposed living wage amount. These workers, who most desperately need experience, will be the ones left most vulnerable. Instead of being able to establish a foothold in the job market, they will have to rely on other means to provide for themselves—most often state-assisted.

Carl Gipson, Director, Center for Small Business.
03/01/2007 | Full Details | Law(s): Living Wage

The CRA, by encouraging loosening underwriting standards, may have contributed to the massive increase in foreclosure rates.

Michelle Minton, Competitive Enterprise Institute

Recycling itself can cause environmental harm...As a result, the environmental costs of recycling may exceed any possible environmental benefits.

Lynn Scarlett, Reason Foundation and The National Center for Policy Analysis.
09/01/1991 | Full Details | Law(s): General: Recycling