


Vote for Paid Sick Leave

The Real Agenda Behind Voter Suppression

October 05, 2011
Living Wage has brought good competition to Los Angeles International Airport

L.A.'s Living Wage Ordinance Isn't a Job Killer

September 21, 2011
US Capitol building

Darrel Issa’s Government Handover

January 05, 2011

Cry Wolf Quotes

Gone will be the days when students and their colleges picked the lender that best fit their needs; instead, a federal bureaucrat will make that choice for every student in America based on still-unclear guidelines.

Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) published this anti-SAFRA op-ed in The Washington Post.

The actual fact will be, in almost every case, that the whole tax will be borne either by the employe [sic] or by the consumer through higher prices. That is the history of all such taxes. This is because the tax is imposed in such a way that, if the employer is to stay in business, he must shift the tax to some one else.

Alf Landon, the 1936 Republican nominee for president.

New Jersey is anti-business. This bill creates even more of an anti-business climate. ... It's one more mandate, one more tax, one more reason for the move to Pennsylvania.

Republican State Senator Kevin O'Toole. The Bergen County Record.

These reports, of course, deal only with the surface exposure of Communist influence in the Negro movement. The actual extent and degree, while obviously substantial, remain unknown, for Congress has chosen to pretend that there is no such problem, even while methodically and relentlessly seeking to satisfy the demands of the very militant groups in which the Communist influence exists. Mr. President, the Nation, and even the Congress, once its hypnotic trance has passed, will find that in this bill are the seeds of destruction of a political system which has served its people better than has any other ever devised.

Strom Thurmond (D-SC)
06/18/1964 | Full Details | Law(s): Civil Rights Act of 1964
