

Cry Wolf Quotes

[W]e all probably use salt, sodium chloride, on our food….Salt has been included in the Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (published by NIOSH). The toxic dose of salt needed to kill half the test animals is about 1/8 ounce of salt for each 2.2 pounds of weight of the animal. Does this mean that the City of Philadelphia should regulate table salt?

Roy. S. Anderson Ph.D’s testimony before the Philadelphia City Council.

It is simply wrong-headed policy…[Federal and state banking regulations] require or aggressively nudge banks into subsidizing parts of the community [The proposals] would only aggravate the problem.

Lawrence J. White, a professor of economics at New York University's Stern School of Business, New York Times.

The people in this room have the same amount of lead in their blood as do the natives in New Guinea. If you take lead out of the air, you’ll still have it in your body.

George Rausch, a professor from Tulane University, The Los Angeles Times.

Present regulations have been effective in protecting human health and our food supply….We do not have a pesticide environmental crisis at this time.

D. Lyle Goleman, Chairman of the Entomology Department at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. House Committee on Agriculture.