Right To Know Quotes

Please, dear legislator, do not eliminate my job because you have put the business places in Pennsylvania in a noncompetitive situation where we cannot compete with Ohio, New York, New Mexico, and so forth. Pennsylvania should have our laws consistent with other States so that our manufacturers can continue to employ our neighbors, our sons and grandsons and granddaughters, so that we can work in Pennsylvania, so that we are not driving our people out of the Commonwealth.

Pennsylvania Representative Jim Merry (R-Crawford)

I have a greater concern – the concern for rural America, the concern for suburban America, which is a concern for the communities that you and I come from….It goes too far, Mr. Speaker. It puts a burden on our small business places….Think about the small business people, the nonmanufacturing entities, that all of a sudden are going to be forced into reporting requirements and the cost of doing business that is going to put many of them under.

Pennsylvania Representative Jim Merry (R-Crawford)

The cost potential is very, very significant, in the billions of dollars on Pennsylvania employers….The small businessman, the farmer, is going to have to live with a more severe standard...the cost to them is going to be very phenomenal.

Pennsylvania Representative Joseph Pitts (R-Chester)

When the City Council was considering the right-to-know law, lobbying was intense. Those opposed to it argued that the tough regulations would drive businesses from the city. That threatened exodus has not happened.

“Expand ‘right-to-know’ effort", The Philadelphia Inquirer.

When the public hears about right-to-know, they think ‘Gee, that sounds great’. But all the information they’re going to get under these laws is a list of plant chemicals that will sit on someone’s kitchen table until it’s thrown away.

Ralph Engel, president of the Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association.
396509/28/1983 | Full Details | Law(s): Right To Know

The public does not have [an] inherent right to know.

John Yewell, director of industrial safety and health for the California State Chamber of Commerce.
396409/28/1983 | Full Details | Law(s): Right To Know

There is little doubt that business will have to think twice before expanding or locating a facility in New Jersey.

William H. Halsey, legislative representative for the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce.

We have 1,000 products. If every state has different reporting requirements, we’d have to produce 50,000 different [Material Safety Data Sheets].

Garth Fort, lobbyist for the Monsanto Company.
396308/30/1983 | Full Details | Law(s): Right To Know

Labeling all pipes and containers could cost the chemical industry $100 million a year.

Garth Fort, lobbyist for the Monsanto Company.
396208/30/1983 | Full Details | Law(s): Right To Know

[The law will be] unworkable, unmanageable, unadministratable, unenforceable and extraordinarily costly.

Bruce Coe, president of the New Jersey Business and Industry Association.
