New Jersey Worker and Community Right-To-Know law
Cry Wolf Quotes
[The bill would be] detrimental to business and the citizens of the state in that it will curtail expansion of existing industry and jobs and it will discourage the attraction of new industry.
William A. Lynch, Chairman of the South Jersey Chamber of Commerce.
[The law will be] unworkable, unmanageable, unadministratable, unenforceable and extraordinarily costly.
Bruce Coe, president of the New Jersey Business and Industry Association.
We cannot go on adding regulations on the backs of industries in this state.
Borden R. Putnam, Economic Development Commissioner for Governor Tom Kean’s (R) administration.
The law would have us label every single container, and in our case that is burdensome and unrealistic.
Testimony submitted by the Garden State Water Company, in regards to the New Jersey right-to-know law. Only date available: August/September 1986