OSHA Grainhandling Standard Quotes

Research shows that no one level of dust is more hazardous than another -- it's a combination of factors… We think the record shows elevators of various size are using a variety of options to reduce explosions.

The National Grain and Feed Association spokesman Randy Gordon, The Miami Herald.

[OSHA has] substantially overstated the risks of fires, explosions and other hazards…the costs of the rule greatly exceed the benefits.

The Office of Management and Budget. The Miami Herald.

Our concern is that too many regulatory bodies are reacting to this need and that divergent or contradictory rules would be established which would in effect create chaos for the designers, builders and operators.

Max Spencer, of the Continental Grain Company. Testimony. OSHA hearings.

Each grain handling facility is unique, and the state of the art is constantly changing. Further, historically very little scientific research has been done on some of the fundamental questions involved in grain dust explosions.

Max Spencer, of the Continental Grain Company. Testimony. OSHA hearings.