Job Killer

Job Killer


Living Wage has brought good competition to Los Angeles International Airport

L.A.'s Living Wage Ordinance Isn't a Job Killer

September 21, 2011
Hotel housekeepers are repeatedly injured on the job.

Cutting Back on Housekeepers' Heavy Lifting

August 02, 2011

Republicans Can't Name A Single "Job Killer" Regulation

January 25, 2011

Cry Wolf Quotes

This is an unemployment act that hurts minority youth, and that is a shame.

John Shadagg (R-AZ).
01/01/1996 | Full Details | Law(s): Minimum Wage

Do not forget this: such an excessive tax on payrolls is beyond question a tax on employment. In prosperous times it slows down the advance of wages and holds back re-employment. In bad times it increases unemployment, and unemployment breaks wage scales.

Alf Landon, the 1936 Republican nominee for president.

If you people ban the use of endrin [see below] until we know a lot more about it then we do now, many orchards will simply go out of production.

Rep. George Goodling (R-PA). House Committee on Agriculture hearings.

This study leaves little doubt that a minimum of 200,000 (plus) jobs will be quickly lost, with plants closing in dozens of states. This number could easily exceed 1 million jobs-and even 2 million jobs--at the more extreme assumptions about residual risk.

The U.S. Business Roundtable, cited in NRDC Blog, 1990
01/01/1990 | Full Details | Law(s): Clean Air Act of 1990