Building Codes

Building Codes

Cry Wolf Quotes

[These changes in the fire code would lead to] the wiping out of industry in this state.

A spokesman for the Associated Industries of New York. Only date available: 1913.
01/01/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

They pay absolutely no attention to the fire hazard or to the protection of the employees in these buildings. That is their last consideration.

Retired New York City Fire Chief Edward F. Croker, 1913
01/01/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

You must relieve [New York's] real estate from the terrible yolk of oppression which has been throttling it for some years past…

Charles F. Noyes, president of the Charles F. Noyes (Realty) Company, on the Factory Investigating Commission ’s new laws.
06/21/1914 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

This condition is depreciating the value of real estate, restricting its marketability, and driving manufacturers out of the City and State of New York.

Resolution adopted by The Board of Governors of the Real Estate Board of New York.
05/17/1914 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

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