Affordable Care Act

Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act finally granted Americans near-universal access to healthcare. The law massively expands Medicaid, and makes the program more accessible while altering its funding mechanisms. Subsidies are also offered to those who do not qualify for Medicaid or Medicare. The law also requires all Americans to purchase or otherwise obtain health insurance.


Health Care and Emergency Room

Crying Wolf -- The Same Old Song on Health Care and Unions

April 29, 2009

Cry Wolf Quotes

We oppose the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act due to the amount of new taxes, the creation of new mandates, and the establishment of new entitlement programs. There is no doubt all these burdens will be paid for on the backs of small business. It’s clear to us that, at the end of the day, the costs to small business more than outweigh the benefits they may have realized.

National Federation of Independent Business
11/20/2009 | Full Details | Law(s): Affordable Care Act

America is sinking under the crushing weight of the ever-expanding regulatory state. This burden threatens to disrupt our recovery, hamper long-term growth, undermine our global competitiveness, and suffocate the entrepreneurial spirit so vital to America's success.

Thomas Donohue, President of the Chamber of Commerce

[Obama’s budget] will move us even further down the path to universal health care. We are treading dangerously close to bureaucratic intervention in the exam room and I will not support any measure that leads to socialized medicine.

Rep. John Fleming (R-LA)
02/26/2010 | Full Details | Law(s): Affordable Care Act

[A dramatic increase in regulation under the Obama administration is] threatening to short-circuit our recovery and undermine our long-term growth....More importantly , it is suffocating the entrepreneurial spirit so vital to America’s success.

Thomas Donohue, President of the Chamber of Commerce