

Pesticides are one of the most common forms of pest control in America. But they can cause serious damage to humans and other non-targeted species.  In America, the use of pesticides is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), but the system is not perfect. Most Americans are exposed to pesticides through food, often non-organic fruits and vegetables. Foods with thin, porous skins, like strawberries and apples, are likely to have higher pesticide content. Imported fruits and vegetables may have particularly high pesticide content, as they may be produced in nations where pesticide regulation isn’t as strong.

Cry Wolf Quotes

Many companies have cut back drastically their research efforts on new pesticides and diverted their funds to defensive research….Legislation and regulation may ban products but replacements cannot be regulated into existence…Companies are leaving the pesticide business or cutting down their research and development efforts.

R.E. Naegele, manager of Dow Chemical’s agricultural department, Testimony, House Committee on Agriculture.

I was more scared than angry or frustrated. I've felt like a lot of this stuff coming down from the EPA isn't really well thought out -- they're off in the clouds.

Doug Crow, a Washington apple grower, The Oregonian.

Panic decisions on regulatory matters, inspired and promulgated by today’s abundant supply of instant ecologists, legal opportunists, activists with or without cause….Many of these people know not what they do, let alone what they say.

R.E. Naegele, manager of Dow Chemical’s agricultural department, Testimony, House Committee on Agriculture.

If you people ban the use of endrin [see below] until we know a lot more about it then we do now, many orchards will simply go out of production.

Rep. George Goodling (R-PA). House Committee on Agriculture hearings.

Backgrounders & Briefs

Good Rules: Ten Stories Of Successful Regulation

Demos looks at ten laws and rules that we take for granted.


Beyond Pesticides focuses on protecting public health and the environment to lead the transition to a world free of toxic pesticides.

Pesticide Action Network fights against the use of hazardous pesticides while promoting environmentally sustainable and socially just alternatives.