Real Estate

Real Estate

Cry Wolf Quotes

It is almost impossible to sell any real property in New York City at the present time at its assessed value.

Op-ed by George W. Olvany, special counsel to the Real Estate Board.
05/03/1914 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

You must relieve [New York's] real estate from the terrible yolk of oppression which has been throttling it for some years past…

Charles F. Noyes, president of the Charles F. Noyes (Realty) Company, on the Factory Investigating Commission ’s new laws.
06/21/1914 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

[The New York Herald noted that the owners claimed the order amounted to] a confiscation of property…

New York Herald. Only date available: March, 1911.
03/01/2011 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

We are of the opinion that if the present recommendations are insisted upon…factories will be driven from the city, labor will be compelled to accompany them, factories, tenements, and small houses will become tenantless with the final result of demoralization in tax collections by the city. What is wanted is evolution and not revolution.

Resolution adopted by the United Real Estate Owners Association’s against the Factory Investigating Commission laws.
06/28/1914 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws