Workplace Safety Quotes

...this is a very dangerous measure that will seriously affect virtually every employer in the state. The only outcome form this measure’s approval would be the closing of many businesses which, in-turn, would throw thousands of employees out of their jobs.

Philip M. Vermeulen on behalf of the Engineering Contractors’ Association, the California Fence Contractors Association, the Sacramento Builders’ Exchange, the Marin Builders’ Exchange and the California Chapter of the American Fence Contractors’ Association.

For the last few years, Cal/OSHA has attempted to create a partnership with employers to create safe workplaces for all employees. This partnership has been focused on working together to solve problems rather than merely serve as an enforcement driven agency. The agency’s consultation service is evidence of the efforts. AB 1127 would, with the stroke of a pen, erase years of hard work and co-operation between business and the agency by focusing on the prescription of regulations rather than the creation of workable answers to true workplace safety issues.

Terry L. Tyson, Regional Director of Safety, Hansen Aggregates, letter to Assembly Public Safety Committee.

[Our products are] are safe when used as instructed….Generally, the people who are using our products . . . are really the expert in what the appropriate method is to handle these hypodermic needles and patients and that sort of thing.

Ronald Jasper spokesperson for Becton Dickinson needle company.

[The proposed bloodborne pathogen standards are] too expensive, a waste of resources and overkill.

The California Hospital Association, which represents 467 of the state's hospitals.

It's definitely driving doctors to find other jobs. Doctors feel they aren't being allowed to practice medicine because they are so overwhelmed with administrative aspects.

Dr. Carol Wilson Garvey, president of the 1,400-member Montgomery County Medical Society.

Although I know this will result in delays in obtaining results and will inconvenience patients, I simply cannot afford the additional costs necessary to meet all the proficiency testing and supervisory fees necessitated by this 'improvement' in health care.

Dr. Cheryl Winchell, a Gaithersburg physician

Some of those things are well founded. Some are just crazy….[you have to] dress up like Darth Vader whenever you see a patient.

Peter B. Sherer, a hematologist in Montgomery County.

They told us in a seminar that OSHA needs money. Where do you think OSHA is going to get money? From fines.

The manager of a Long Island pediatrics office, who requested to go unnamed.

These changes will generate expenses that will ultimately be passed on to patients.

Avrum R. Goldstein, a periodontist with a practice in New Haven, in an op-ed piece.

If you lose your tooth at home, you can leave it under your pillow for the tooth fairy. If the dentist removes it, the tooth fairy will have to consult the Government for its exact site.

Avrum R. Goldstein, a periodontist with a practice in New Haven, in an op-ed piece.
