Right To Know

Right To Know

Cry Wolf Quotes

The moment you get either people or lawyers apprised of the fact that a company has a toxic material on their premises, they’re going to bring a lawsuit.

Thacher Longstreth president of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce and former Republican city councilman.

I have a greater concern – the concern for rural America, the concern for suburban America, which is a concern for the communities that you and I come from….It goes too far, Mr. Speaker. It puts a burden on our small business places….Think about the small business people, the nonmanufacturing entities, that all of a sudden are going to be forced into reporting requirements and the cost of doing business that is going to put many of them under.

Pennsylvania Representative Jim Merry (R-Crawford)

It would require us to mail out forms and get information on 450 or more chemicals from 7,500 firms. We think that would require another 15 people [and $300,000 more in costs].

William Reilly, head of the Philadelphia Health Department’s Air Management Services. Argues the costs would outweigh the benefits.

There already has been too much public hysteria over half-truths concerning nuclear energy, PCBS (polychlorinated biphenyls), industrial wastes, etc. What we do not need is for the City Council of Philadelphia to help in the slightest to create even more public hysteria.

Richard Kiefer Jr., corporate safety director of the McCloskey Varnish Company.


Backgrounders & Briefs

Dying To Know: A Historical Analysis of the Right-To-Know Movement

This survey provides a sweeping analysis of the right-to-know movement in America.